The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
The emperor made the decisions. If he did not and perhaps an adviser made a decision, it was still the emperor who either took the credit or the blame for them, because the adviser would be acting in the emperor's name.
Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.Decisions in an empire are made by the head of the empire, no matter if its a business empire or a political one. Although the political emperors and the CEO's of giant businesses all have advisers and specialized people to give them input, the final decision lays with the head of the organization.
Letting provinces make some decisions.
Before this question can be answered, the "empire" must be defined. Ancient Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. During the republic, the senate made the decisions. Under the principate, which many people call the "Roman empire" because the leader was called an emperor, the senate was merely a rubber stamp to the emperor's wishes. About all the power they really had was to bestow honors on men.
The Mali Empire included it first and then the Songhai Empire did a while later
Usually the emperor of China made the decisions, but China was not always a united empire. When ancient China was made up of small city states, the leader of each city state would make his own decisions.
The Senate was in partnership with the Emperor and made necessary decisions for the empire to run smoothly and defend its borders.
Decisions are made to plan for your future.
They decisions were made by kings .
As the Ottoman Empire expanded in size, it become more difficult for a centralized power to control all aspects of the empire. One consequence of this was that local leaders gained more autonomy, and made decisions that were not in the interest of the empire. The Ottoman Empire was in existence from 1299 to 1923.
The Treaty of Versailles decided to: * break up Austria-Hungary * break up the Ottoman Empire * create Yugoslavia
Judge Moctezuma was not a historical figure. Moctezuma II was a ruler of the Aztec Empire, not a judge. Moctezuma II made important decisions during his reign that ultimately led to the downfall of the Aztec Empire, including how to handle the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes.
the conditions that decisions are made
The babylonian empire was made after the empire of Sargon.
The council made all the decisions
Decisions were made by a majority vote in a state.
After defeating Maxentius, Constantine made two key decisions. First, he declared the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, granting religious tolerance to Christians within the Roman Empire. Second, he shifted the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium, renaming it Constantinople, which eventually became the new seat of power for the Eastern Roman Empire.