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Q: Who made a convenant to worship God abalone and left Mesopotamia with his family to settle in Canaan?
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How far is it Canaan to MESOPOTAMIA

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What The piece of land that connects Egypt and what was once Mesopotamia was formerly known as .?


What piece of land that connects Egypt and what was once Mesopotamia was formerly known as what?


Was Mesopotamia the same as Canaan?

No. In ancient times, Mesopotamia was a region that corresponded more or less to modern Iraq. Canaan was the coastal region that corresponded more or less to modern Israel, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and western Syria.

Who led the Israelites to Mesopotamia to Canaan?

because they wanted to be in AA south warden life

Ancient middle eastern nation?

There have been many. Some include Canaan, Persia, and Mesopotamia.

When Abraham left mesopotamia he settled in?

Canaan. Good luck on your assignment, fellow ECOT student.

Who does the bible say was led by god from mesopotamia to canaan and his descendants became Jewish people?


What countries were conquered by Cyrus?

no, it was Northern Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, Canaan, and the Phoenician cities.

What countries were conquered by leaders Cyrus?

no, it was Northern Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, Canaan, and the Phoenician cities.

What countries were conquered by leaders under Cyrus?

no, it was Northern Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, Canaan, and the Phoenician cities.