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What happened was that the Luftwaffe shifted the majority of their bombing attacks from the cities of Britain to concentrate on the RAF airfields of southern England. The aim was to destroy Fighter Command who were than based at a few large airfields near the French coast. Fighter Command replied by spreading aircraft out to numerous 'satellite' airstrips, often of grass. Tactics also changed to be more effective against large bomber groups.

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No, Britain won on the 31st of October 1940

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Q: Who lost the Battle of Britain?
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If Britain lost the Battle of Britain, they would have lost air space control and made it much easier to be invaded by Nazi Germany. This later gave a frim base from which to launch the D-Day invasion - if Britain had been lost there would have been no base from which to launch D-Day

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The Royal Air Force fighter pilots. Without them, the battle would have been lost.

What was the 1940 air battle over England?

The Battle of Britain in which the Nazi German Luftwaffe engaged in air battles with the British Royal Air Force. The battle time frame also included the bombing of London and other cities and towns by the fuse of flying bombs or rockets rather called the V2 Rockets. Germany lost the Battle of Brittan.

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the first time the germans had lost

How many luftwaffe planes were there in battle of Britain?

At the start of Battle of Britain, Germay had approximately 2,600 aircraft om that front. The RAF had less than 600 fighters at that point.

How many French pilots and aircraft particpated in the battle of Britain and how many aircraft were lost?

According to a historical internet site : 15 french pilots participated in the Battle of Britain. Most of them in squadron 245.