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Sioux Indians

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Q: Who lived in Sioux tepees?
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What tribes lived in tepees?

Sioux !!

What did the Sioux tribes live in?

They lived in tipis

What type of dwelling did the Sioux tribe have?

They lived in tepees, because they were nomads.

Sioux tribe homes?

The Sioux tribe lived in tepees like the other Native American tribes.

What is the name of the Native American tribes that lived in tepees?

One Of The Tribes Is Known As The Plains People.

What are the Sioux's homes?

They are Tepees.

What was the lakota Sioux shelter?

the Lakota lived in tepees and lodges. i am glad you asked :)

Why did the Sioux native American tribe live in teepees?

They lived in tepees because they were easy to move very warm and confortable

What shelter did the Sioux live in?

The Sioux traditionally lived in shelters called teepees. These shelters were made with long poles and buffalo skins and could be set up and taken down very quickly.

What did the Sioux Indians live in?

Sioux in the Great Plains lived in tepees. These tepees allowed them to follow the buffalo that they hunted. Like all Indians they weren't wasteful and used every part of the buffalo. Tepees were actually made of buffalo hide. They moved the tepees with poles called travois. One tepee could use up to forty buffalo. Tepees had special marking so it was easy to identify the family that lived there.

Did the Cherokee have tepees?

They did not live in tepees. They lived in Wickiups.

What type of house did the sioux build?

they made tepees made out of buffalo skin