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Q: Who led the successful defense of Orleans during the Hundred Years' War and was later burned at the stake?
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French heroine in the hundred years who was captured and burned as a heretic in 1431?

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Who is the Maid of Orleans?

The Maid of Orleans refers to Joan of Arc, a French military leader and saint who played a significant role in the Hundred Years' War. She claimed to have received visions from saints instructing her to help Charles VII of France reclaim his throne from the English. Joan led the French troops to several key victories before being captured and eventually burned at the stake by the English in 1431.

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She was given a mock trial where she was refused a defense. Of course, they found her guilty and ordered her to be burned at the stake.

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What period in History was Joan of the Arc burned at the stake?

The Hundred Years War on May 30 of 1431.

What period in history was Joan the arc burned at the stake?

The Hundred Years War on May 30 of 1431.

What time period in history was Joan of Arc burned at the stake?

She was burned at the stake on May 30, 1431, at the age of 19.