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The opposition against Pahlavi was not united. There were Communists, Socialists, Feminists, Nationalists, Islamists, and numerous other wildly different groups that opposed the Shah.

After the Shah was deposed in January 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini, a leading Islamist, was able to commandeer the direction of the revolution.

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Q: Who led the opposition against Shah Pahlavi?
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What were the differences between shah Mohammad reza pahlavi and shah ruhollah khomeini?

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was the last Shah of Iran, known for his modernization efforts and close alignment with the West. Shah Ruhollah Khomeini was a prominent Shia cleric and the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which led to the establishment of an Islamic Republic and the overthrow of the Pahlavi regime. Khomeini advocated for an Islamic government based on Shia principles, in contrast to Pahlavi's secular rule.

Iranian Revolution?

(1978-1979) a revolution against the shah of Iran led by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, which resulted in Iran becoming an Islamic Republic with Khomeini as its leader, the revolution that transformed Iran from a monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Mullahs (religious leaders) overthrow the US backed Shah and establish a theocracy (religious government) that hated the US, Many Iranians opposed Reza Shah Pahlavi, there was also a hatred of Westernization. There was a revival in Islam, and Ayatollah Khomeini soon emerged as the religious opposition to the Shah. He organized demonstrations and riots, and the Shah eventually left. Khomeini then seized power in Iran.

Who was the leader of Iran before the Shah?

There was none. Ever since the founding of the Persian Empire, which happened many centuries B.C. Iran was always under a Shah (king.) The last change between dynasties occurred in 1925 when Reza Khan Pahlavi led a military coup that successfully overthrew Ahmed Qajjar of the Qajjar Dynasty (which had been in power since the 1700s). It is Reza Pahlavi and his son Mohammed Reza Pahlavi who are usually referred to in the West as the "Shah", but as mentioned above, this term is very old. Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution.

What events led to the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry?

The overthrow of the Shah (Reza Pahlavi) in the late 1970s, and the takeover of the Iranian government by Ayatollah Khomenei, culminating in the Iran hostage crisis, led to this event.

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How did the shah gain power?

The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, gained power in 1941 through a coup d'etat against the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq. The Shah was then proclaimed by the British-controlled Iranian parliament as the new ruler. This coup was orchestrated by the British and American governments, who feared Mosaddeqs attempts to nationalize the Iranian oil industry. The Shah then ruled as a monarch until he was overthrown in 1979 during the Iranian Revolution.The Shah solidified his power in a few key ways. These included: Centralizing the government and creating a one-party system Instituting a secret police force to suppress any form of dissent or opposition Using the military to intimidate the population and control key infrastructure Receiving support from the United States and other Western nationsThe Shahs oppressive rule ultimately led to his overthrow. The Iranian Revolution saw the Iranian people rise up in protest against the Shahs authoritarian rule and the Western interference in their affairs.

Who was in power in Iran in 1979?

2 types. In 1979 Iran witnessed a transformation of government. The Monarchy of the Pahlavi Peacock throne;was replaced with an Islamic Theocracy. Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi left Iran,due to riots and protests against his rule, in January 1979.Ayotallah Khomeini became the ruler of Iran in February of 1979 upon returning from exhile in France. Though Khomeini died in the 80s, as did the Shah years earler, Iran is still governed by an Islamic government.

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