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Fredrick Law Olmstead

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Q: Who led the movement for planned urban parks?
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What landscape architect led the movement for planned urban parks?

Frederick Law Olmstead

Social Gospel Movement?

A reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor.

Who led the African Americans equal rights movement during progressive era?

Many different people led the movement,just a few are: Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, And Sojurner Truth. These are only a few though there are many more.

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Toussaint l'Ouverture led the independence movement of Haiti

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What event was started by the actions of Rosa parks?

she was the beginning of the Civil Rights Protest which led to Martin Luther King Jr getting power. If it wasn't for her there would still be the rascim of 1930's today. Also she started other protests in usa further down south.

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Confederate General James Longstreet planned a swiftly executed movement to help General Braxton Bragg confront the Union forces led by General Ambrose Burnside. Longstreet planned on using th East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad for his initial operation. This plan was hampered by the condition of the railroad. Longstreet was hampered by the dismal condition of the railroad, and a variety of other problems delayed the planned swift movement of his army.

What led to prohibition?

The temperance movement.