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Q: Who led the free speech movement?
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Where is the Free Speech Movement Archives in Berkeley California located?

The address of the Free Speech Movement Archives is: 1801 Fifth St, Berkeley, CA 94710-1914

Why are people joining or Why people are joining?

"Why are people joining?" is a asking a question. "Why people are joining" would be an answer to that question. As in Why are people joining the free speech movement? Why people are joining the free speech movement is because they fee that they do not have free speech at the moment.

Who led a nonviolent movement to free India on the west?

Mahatma Gandhi

What was the free speech movement?

Counterculture movement ring the 1960s in which students used the tactics of civil disobedience to protest injustices.

The goal of the free speech movement was to secure voting rights for African Americans?

this is false

How did the supreme court validate the actions of free speech movement?

First amendment protects free speech. College students in the 1960's were shocked at social injustices in the US and spoke out.

Early student activist and leader of the free speech movement at the university of California?

Mario savio!

What was Patrick Henry a leader of?

He was an orator and politician who led the movement for independence in Virginia in the 1770s. Henry also led the opposition to the Stamp Act of 1765 and is well remembered for his "Give me liberty, or give me death" speech.

Who led an anti lynching campaign?

Ida B. Wells led an anti-lynching campaign after three of her friends were lynched. She owned two newspaper, Free Speech and Headlight, and she condemned the lynchings in them.

What part of speech is led?

Led is a past tense verb.

What protects your rights to free speech?

Freedom of Speech protects your rights to free speech.

Which independence movement was led by Toussaint LOuverture?

Toussaint l'Ouverture led the independence movement of Haiti