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Q: Who led the early modern european witch trails?
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Which cultural group held the Salem Witch Trails in 1692?

The Puritans held the Salem Witch Trails in 1692.

Where did the witch trails happen?

Salem, Massachusetts.

What were witch trails?

Witch trails were series of hearings before local magistrates followed by county court trials to prosecute people accused of withcraft.

Who ended yhe witch trails?

Governor Phipps ended the Salem witch trials.

Why did it happen Salem 1692?

The Witch trails happened.

What colony was the Salem witch trails?

Massachusetts Bay

What year did the Salem witch trails finish?


What year where the Salem witch craft trails in?


How could the Salem witch trails been avoided?


Where were the Salem Witch Trails?

Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.

How reverend hale stop the Salem witch trails?

He didnt

Who accused people of witchcraft at witch trails in 1620s?
