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Q: Who led the anti British movement in kitoor?
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Who led the anti -british movement in kittoor?

kittur rani channamma

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The anti-federalists were led by Thomas Jefferson.

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The Civil Disobedience Movement started in 1930 and was led by Mahalma Gandhi. This nonviolent resistant movement was a way to become independent from the British Empire.

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Non-cooperation movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi. Indians boycott British jobs. They also refused to buy British goods. Many laws were broken that were oppressive for people.

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The Dutch Resistance movement was a large anti-Nazi movement. The Movement was led by Johannes and Marinus Post. It started because of the German occupation of the Netherlands

Who led the Anti Federalist movement which supports a decentralized banking system?

James Madison led the Anti-Federalists in opposing the central bank. They believed it was unconstitutional. Hamilton argued that it was allowed under the "necessary and proper" clause.

What was the name of his movement?

The movement associated with Mahatma Gandhi was called the Indian independence movement. Gandhi led various campaigns and movements, such as nonviolent civil disobedience and Satyagraha, to achieve independence from British colonial rule.

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none of them. ho chi minh led the communists diem led the nationalists