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The Norman invasion of England in 1066 was led by William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, who became King William I after his victory over the Saxons. He was commonly known before this, especially in France, as William the Bastard (Guillaume le Bâtard) on account of his illegitimate birth.

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Q: Who led the Normans against the Saxon in 1066AD?
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Who were the main participants in the Battle of Hastings?

the leader of the saxon group was Harold godwinson and the leader of the normans was william

Who was the Normans leader?

William "The Conqueror" led an invasion of England by the Normans, the Saxon tribes that were settled in Normandy, in what is nowadays France. Normandy was part of the Saxon realm of England at that time. The invasion was against King Harold 1 and was successful. It was the last time England was successfully invaded and occupied. The reason given by William in invading his fellow Saxons was the previous king, Canute 1, had bequeathed the throne to him, but this was ignored by Harold.

Was the Norman leader shot in the eye with an arrow?

No. That was Harold Godwinson the Anglo-Saxon King of England, who was at the time fighting the Normans led by William the Bastard (who later changed to be 'the Conqueror').

Who did the Normans fight?

In the battle of Hastings The Normans fought the English led by Harold Godwinson.

What was the battle hastings?

It was a battle between the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons. William the Conqueror ( Gion in French) led the Normans. Harold led the Anglo-Saxons. After all the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons.

Who led the Normans who defeated the English Saxons at the Battle of Hastings?

William of Normandy, also known as "William the Conqueror," led the Normans in that battle.

Who were the Romans in the Battle of Hastings?

There were no Romans in the Battle of Hastings. They had long since faded into history. This decisive battle in 1066 won by the Normans. It was fought between the Norman, William the Conqueror and an Anglo-Saxon army led by Harold Godwinson.

Who invades Ireland in 1169?

the Normans led by Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke aka Strongbow

Who won the battle of haisting?

The normans led by William of Normandy

How were the Normans positioned at the start of the battle of hastings?

The Normans (led by William) were positioned at the bottom of a hill while Harold's army were at the top !!!

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Battle of Evermore from Led Zeppelin iv

Is the Battle of Hastings related to the french empire?

In a way. The battle of Hastings was fought by the normans, led by the William the conqueror. The Normans are ancestors of the french.