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When Germany and Soviet Russia decided to invade Poland in 1939, the world stood on edge and waited to see if the Germans would really keep their promise of invasion. When they did, Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany, and the Second World War officially began.

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Q: Who joined the war after Poland was invaded?
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Where did World War 2 take place at?

first Germany invaded Poland but we had promised Poland that if Germany invaded them that we would help and France are our friends so they joined in two and it went on from there !!

Why did Great Britain and France join World War 2?

Britain and France joined the war, becaus Germany invaded Poland. The reason for this is that Britain and France had a pact with Poland, Denmark and Belgium.

What country invaded Poland after world war 2?

Germany invaded Poland.

What country invaded Poland in 1939 to begin World War 2 in Europe?

Germany invaded Poland

Who invaded Poland?

Germany during ww2, Sweden in 1655In World War 2 Poland was invaded by Germany.

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Germany invaded Poland and Japan invaded China.

How did Poland get involved in the world war 2?

Poland was invaded by Germany.

What did Germany to do to start the war?

They invaded Poland.

Was war declared after invaded Poland?

German troops invaded Poland on 1st September 1939. On 3rd September, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

What was the war In which Hitler invaded Poland called?

World War 2

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I'm learning in class that the Germany invaded Poland and the aliies France and Britain declared war?

What event caused world war 2 to break out in Europe?

World War II officially began after Germany invaded Poland. The invasion of Poland caused England and France to declare war on Germany.