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There is no country called South Vietnam anymore.

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Q: Who is the governor general of south Vietnam?
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Who was William westmoreland?

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Who was the American commander in south Vietnam in the 1960s?

General William Westmoreland was .

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Was General Vo Nguyen Giap the commander of the South Vietnam Army?

Northern army.

What country is General Loan from?

General Loan was born in Huê, French Indochina on 11th of December 1930. French Indochina is present-day Vietnam. He was South Vietnam's chief of National Police.

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Which governor-general? The governor-general of Canada is in a different position than the governor-general of Australia.

How did the two governments of Vietnam react following of the free elections?

North Vietnam launched an invasion of South Vietnam.North Vietnam launched an invasion of South Vietnam.

What was overtaken by communism?

South Vietnam. In the Vietnam war when south Vietnam lost the communism took over south Vietnam.Before that north Vietnam & south Vietnam were different colonies.

Also who was the president of South Vietnam after diem was killed?

In 1955 Mr. Ngo Dinh Diem became president of South Vietnam.

General Vo Nguyen Giap commanded the Army of South Vietnam?

No , he commanded the North Vietnamese Army .