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To say there is a "best" artist of cubism or any other type of art is very subjective. Obviously.

Picasso was certainly a titan of art, and not just cubism. However, during his cubist phase, he shared the limelight with Georges Braque, who was equally skilled in cubist perspective, color, and form. They together invented Cubism, on the basis of Cezanne's art.

Besides the two mentioned, one should not forget Juan Gris, who went in their footsteps but added more colour. Also Fernand Leger was an important Cubist, but he developed soon in the direction of Purism, and the human figure became his main concern.

Cezanne is considered to be among the best-he was really to first to use this method of breaking down the light and shadows taking it one step further than Monet. But in my opinion , while Cezanne did many beautiful landscapes and portraits, Picasso's use of liht and dark(Cezanne in the later paintings mostly used high key or what Clement Greenberg referred to as close value, meaning they were not contrasting colors, but close in value,as in pastel shades), made for stronger more memorable images. Cezannes painting were soft,more decorative in comparison with Picasso's crackling pallette. The intensity of Picasso's work leaves an impression on one's mind like no other Cubist that ever lived. Braque was more like Picasso in this and in some cases they were so close it's hard to tell them apart, but in the end Picasso was simply more original and painted with unwavering conviction. And Picasso continued on breaking apart the planes , in his portraits especially , like a diamond cutter, and ultimately influenced Jackson Pollock who in turn took it into a whole new realm of abstract art, far,far away from cubism. Cubism was fairly shortlived as it was a technique, a way of painting,rather easily picked up, but it led to numerous styles in the early 1900's ."Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" Picasso's great and controversial masterpiece of his so called "African " period , cracked art wide open. Not only because of the subject, scale and composition, but in this painting the faces of the women go from somewhat normal recognizable faces to severely contorted and distorted anquished masks. It has been the most talked about and written about painting, of the first half of the twentieth century. Like "Guernica"another of Picasso's triumphs of his career, art critics of the time were hrrified at it's strengh of being. But a little high cubist painting, called "Soda" in the Guggenheim museum is a little gem, that respresents the height of Cubism, though not in such a sensational manner.

Paul Cezanne, Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso were the three major artists.

Quite a few artists after Picasso and Braque came up with the idea as Feininger and Gris.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque are considered the founders of Cubism.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were both credited for the founding of cubism.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Jeremepen Island - Inspired the work

Ben Bitchworship - Did the colouring in

Titty Wankstain - Showed them what colours they were allowed to use

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