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Q: Who is the first person to bring electricity?
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Related questions

Who is the first person to prove that lightning is a form of electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the first person to prove that lightning is a form of electricity.

Who was the first to know about electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the first person to discover electricity as he did the kite experiment, and was the first person to use the terms positive and negetive charge.

Who was the first person to experiment with electricity?

The first person to experiment with electricity is considered to be William Gilbert, an English scientist who conducted experiments on electricity and magnetism in the late 16th century. He is often credited with laying the foundation for the study of electricity as a scientific field.

When did the first person to make electricity?


Who is the First person made electricity and when?

dan james in 1995 ;)

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I was the one

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the aliens

What do you mean by induced electricity?

Induce: to bring about, to produce -or to create- then add electricity :)

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Did Abraham Lincoln invent electricity?

Nobody invented electricity. It is a natural phenomenon that was first described by the first person who witnessed lightning. Various people have been credited with "discovering" it but A. Lincoln is not on that list.

What are the examples of electricity?

One example of current electricity are transmission lines. These bring electricity from power stations to individual houses.

Who was the first person to bring tobacco back to the UK?

Supposedly, Sir Walter Raleigh.