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Q: Who is the ancient greek painter with no surviving works whose fame is due to the writings of PLiny?
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The earliest references to air pollution can be found in ancient writings such as the writings of Pliny the Elder in ancient Rome and the writings of Hippocrates in ancient Greece. These texts describe the effects of air pollution from sources like smoky fires and noxious fumes on human health and the environment.

Who was a famous ancient roman?

Pliny the Elder.

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Albert Forbiger was a German classical scholar and philologist known for his works on ancient Greek and Latin literature. He is best recognized for his editions of ancient texts, including Pliny the Younger's letters and Cicero's writings.

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The Roman writer Pliny the Younger provides a detailed account of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, which buried the city of Pompeii under volcanic ash and debris. Pliny's letters to Tacitus describe the chaos and destruction resulting from the eruption.

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Pliny the Younger documented the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum. His writings provide valuable information about the event.

Who is Pliny the elder?

Pliny the Younger was a survivor from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. He wrote a diary about the event because he saw the eruption across the bay from Naples and he wasn't in Pompeii while it was happening. He is how we know about the burial of Pompeii.

When did Pliny T. Merrick die?

Pliny T. Merrick died in 1867.

When was Pliny T. Merrick born?

Pliny T. Merrick was born in 1794.

When was Pliny Earle I born?

Pliny Earle I was born on 1762-12-17.

When did Pliny Earle I die?

Pliny Earle I died on 1832-11-19.