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Hernan Cortes

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Q: Who is the Spanish nobleman that led an expedition to conquer the Aztec Empire in what is now central Mexico?
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What Spanish nobleman led an expedition to conquer the Aztecs empire in what is now central Mexico?

Hernan Cortez

Who is the Spanish nobleman who led an expedition to conquer the Aztec empire in what is now central Mexico?

Hernán Cortés

Who paid for Francisco Pizarros expedition?

it was the govanor of Spain

Which country funded Francisco Pizarro's expedition?

Francisco Pizarro's expedition to conquer the Inca Empire in the early 16th century was funded by Spain. King Charles I of Spain provided financial backing to Pizarro and granted him the authority to explore and conquer the lands in South America on behalf of the Spanish Crown.

Who funded fransico pizzaro's expidition?

Francisco Pizarro's expedition to conquer the Inca Empire in Peru was funded by Spanish conquistadors, investors, and backing from the Spanish Crown through authorization by King Charles V. Pizarro and his partners also contributed personal funds to support the expedition.

Who was the Spanish conquer of the Aztecs?

Hernan Cortéz led the expedition, but Francisco Pizzaro was the one who captured the emperor and killed the emperor himself Hope that helped (: ~Miekalovessharpies

What did Panfilo de Narvaez discover?

Panfilo de Narvaez accomplished helping conquer Cuba and led a Spanish royal expedition.

What country did Panfilio de Narvaez sponsor?

Panfilio de Narvaez sponsored an expedition to conquer and govern Florida on behalf of the Spanish Crown in the early 16th century.

What was Hernan Cortes expedition goals?

Hernan Cortes' expedition goals were to explore and conquer new territories, specifically the Aztec Empire in Mexico. He also aimed to seek wealth and resources for himself and the Spanish crown, as well as spread Christianity.

Who was the sponsor of hernan Cortes?

Hernan Cortes was sponsored by the Spanish Crown, specifically King Charles I of Spain. Cortes led the expedition to conquer the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century.

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