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it was Verminus, god of cattle worms

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Q: Who is the Roman god of cattle worms?
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What do lung worms do to cattle?

Lung worms cause respiratory problems in cattle that give them similar symptoms as if they would have a bacterial or viral pneumonia, except that they are parasites in the lung. A cow can die from having lungworms if there are too many in the lungs. An internal parasiticide is given to cattle to get rid of these worms.

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The Roman God Neptune is the God of the sea.

What is a summary of Cattle of the Sun God?

The Cattle of the Sun God was a story from the Odyssey where Odysseus's men get in trouble because the eat the Cattle that happen to be sacred to Helios, the Ancient Greek God of the sun.

What is Helios cattle?

sacred cattle of the Greek sun god ~Helios

Is cattle a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Cattle are vertebrates because they are mammals, like us, they have a spine. Invertebrates, such as mussels, worms, and bugs. (Because they have a exoskeleton.)

What are adaptations for a cattle egret?

The cattle egret will follow cattle, and will even ride on their backs to look for insects to eat. It has adapted to forage next to cattle, rhinos, and even farm tractors, to get the insects and worms that are disturbed by the cattle's feet or the tractor's wheels.

Who is the roman god that created the lyre?

Apollo was given a lyre after his younger half-brother Hermes stole some cattle from Apollo's field. Apollo was so impressed with the lyre and it made him so popular with the ladies that he forget about the stolen cattle completely. Hermes then became known as the god of thieves, merchants and anyone who uses the roads. He was also the god of hospitality.

Are there natural remedies for lung worms in cows?

No. Lung worms in cattle are in the lungs, which are a delicate tissue. There aren't many treatments for them, and treating the worms is likely to kill the cow anyway from a severe immune reaction to the dead worms in the lungs.

The cattle of the sun god odysseous?

The sun god in Greek mythology, Helios, had sacred cattle. If someone killed and ate the meat of the cattle, they would be cursed.

What were the duties of the roman god mars?

Mars, the Roman god of war, was responsible for protecting the Roman people in times of war and conflict. He was also believed to inspire soldiers, and his duties included overseeing military campaigns and ensuring victory for the Roman army. Mars was also associated with agriculture and had a role in ensuring the fertility of the land.

Who is the Worst Roman god?

There is no Roman god for "worse".

Roman god name for Neptune?

The Roman god name for Neptune is Neptune. He is the god of the sea and water in Roman mythology, the equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon.