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Suffrage is the right to vote gained through the democratic process. This can also be called political franchise, or just plain franchise. Suffrage is often used in terms of elections or representatives, but it can also apply to initiatives and referenda.

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Q: Who is someone who believes in the right to vote called?
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What is it called when your voting rights are taken away?

Taking away someone's right to vote is to disfranchisethem.

What is gaining the right to vote called?

Gaining the right to vote is called enfranchisement.

What do we call the citizen's right to vote on issues?

Right to vote is what it is called.

What three things does Henry William Ravenel believes the South is fighting for?

Their liberty, homes, and right to vote.

What will happen if they misuse their right to vote?

If someone misuses their right to vote one very simple thing will happen. They will no longer be able to vote in the future.

What is the right to vote called that starts with an s?

Suffrage is the right to vote. It begins with the letter s.

How do you spell the right to vote?

The right to vote is called suffrage or political franchise. Having a vote is being enfranchised, and taking away that right is disenfranchisement.

What is to give someone the right to vote?

Enfranchise is the word.

Why is the right to vote also a responsibility?

because when you vote you have to be like not coping on someone cause then you cant vote

Name three things for which Henry William Ravenel believes the South is fighting?

their freedom, their homes and their right to vote

What is it called when you are deprived of the right to vote?

Not being allowed to vote is being disenfranchised.

The right to vote is called?
