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Miep Gies is a non Jewish person that helped out Anne Frank's family by bringing them food and other stuff they need even thoughe she was not supposed to.

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Q: Who is mies giep?
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Did all gentiles hate the Jews?

No. Some went to a lot of trouble to help Jews. Think of Mies Giep, for example. (Please note the spelling of gentiles. Some mis-spellings could be rather embarrassing).

Which 1929 design was inspired by ancient Egyptian folding chairs?

Mies Van der Rohe and Lilly Reich's Barcelona Chair displayed in the Barcelona Pavillion at the International Exposition.

What modern American skyscraper shows the influence of Bauhaus?

The Seagram building was one of them. It was designed by Johnson and Mies van der Rohe and I think was one of the first to be built in the modernist style after the Bauhausers flooded America

What was the physical size of the Lodz ghetto?

Before they were invaded by the Germans, Krakow was home to 60,000 to 80,000 Jews and served as an influential cultural center. Soon after the invasion, Jews were required to take part in forced labor. By May of 1940, massive deportation of Jews began and only 15,000 workers and their families were left in Krakow.

What are some similarities and differences between Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great?

As a military strategist Napoleon was supreme. It is pointless to compare the two in the conditions that prevailed in their respective eras. For instance Genghis Khan's mobility is unmatched, and he could well have overwhelmed Napoleon's forces by the speed of his movement and arrival at critical areas of the battlefield. Countering that is Napoleon's firepower that would have decimated Genghis's forces no matter where they appeared. Therefore we need to place them with similar resources and seek to understand how their skills and abilities would have impacted the outcome. In this, despite Genghis's excellent and simple organization of his touman-based forces, and his sustained offensives, Napoleon would have prevailed with his superb insight into any battle situation, his strategic deception and positioning prior to battle, and his sheer determination in driving even exhausted troops toward his goal, and with his matchless mastery of complexities of modern battle. Without detracting from Genghis Khan's military genius, it must be said that his policy of total destruction of cities and people who refused to surrender to his forces left many of his adversaries unable to recover and pose a threat in the foreseeable future. In Napoleon's time this was unthinkable, consequently he had to reconquer the Austrians, Prussians and others time and again. If he could do as Genghis did, there would be no coalition against him as in 1814 and in the Waterloo campaign. Rajiv

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Where can I email Mies Giep?

Her name is actually Miep Gies, not Mies Giep. You can contact her at her website . She will be 100 years old this year.

Where can you contact Mies Giep the woman who hid anne frank?

If Mies Giep is still alive she would now (in 2008) be 99, so please spare a thought for her age ... Actually she is still alive, she will be 100 years old this year. You can contact her on her website, By the way, her name is Miep Gies, not Mies Giep.

Did all gentiles hate the Jews?

No. Some went to a lot of trouble to help Jews. Think of Mies Giep, for example. (Please note the spelling of gentiles. Some mis-spellings could be rather embarrassing).

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Mies's population is 1,693.

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Jacob of Mies died in 1429.

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Herbert Mies was born in 1929.

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Maria Mies was born in 1931.

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ST Mies was created in 1946.

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ST Mies ended in 1947.

Is it Miles or Mies Van Der Rohe?

It is Mies pronounced Mees

What actors and actresses appeared in Alaston mies ja mies frakissa - 1965?

The cast of Alaston mies ja mies frakissa - 1965 includes: Nils Brandt as Alaston mies Ismo Kallio as Toinen kadunlakaisija Seppo Kolehmainen as Vartija Ritva Nuutinen as Nainen

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Mies Meulders was born in 1970, in Turnhout, Belgium.