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Q: Who is credited with keeping literacy alive during the Middle Ages?
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Which were more europeans literate during the renaissance?

More Europeans were literate because of several things:Improving economiesA growing interest in religious worksAn interest in record keeping

Were Jews literate during the middle ages?

The Jews maintained a high level of literacy during the Middle Ages, and had their own schools, with the goal being universal education. These schools were informally constituted, and were more like home schooling than state run schools of today. The European Jewish community made great contributions in philosophy during the Middle Ages, probably out of proportion to any other group of people.

Who was the scientist who is credited with much of the progress in the biological sciences during the 18th century?

Joseph Priestly was the scientist who is credited with much of the progress in the biological sciences during the 18th century. He is usually credited with discovering oxygen.

Who was credited with the destruction of Atlanta during the Civil War?

Union General William T. Sherman was credited with the destruction of Atlanta during the Civil War.

What was the Literacy rate during the time of christ?

It is difficult to determine an exact literacy rate during the time of Christ, as data is scarce. However, it is generally believed that literacy rates were low in ancient times, with estimates ranging from 10% to 20% of the population being able to read and write.

What is the role of students in improving literacy rates in India?

Students can motivate their illiterate family members and neighbours Students can be trained in functional literacy who can impart literacy to the community during week ends They can be used for conductiong mass tests to assess the level of literacy of the neo literates

Is credited with starting the Church of Scotland during the Reformation?

John Knox.

Who credited with starting the Church of Scotland during the Reformation?

John Knox.

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The literacy rate of tamilnadu is as per 2001 census?

According to the 2001 census data, the literacy rate of Tamil Nadu was approximately 73.5%. This rate includes both male and female literacy rates in the state.

Why did the literacy rate among veterans increase during post world war 2?

The literacy rate increased after World War 2 mostly because of the inception of the GI Bill.

What is the literacy rate of white people in free states?

It is difficult to provide a specific literacy rate without specific data, but historically, white people in free states in the United States have generally had higher literacy rates compared to other demographic groups, particularly during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Literacy rates have improved over time due to advancements in education and literacy initiatives.