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He is the love of my lifebut waskilled and brought back to life by the isis so that wecould be in love foreva<333333333333

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Q: Who is ay that succeeded tut to the throne?
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Who succeeded King Tut as Pharaoh?

A military general by the name of Ay, it is belived he was Tut's uncle, the brother of his father. Ay married Tut's widow, his half sister Ankhesenamun, it is belived that the marriage was by force as it is known that Ankhesenamun requested a prince from a rival kingdom who was murded on the border and she herself disipears from history shortly after the marriage. Ay only ruled for four years before he died of old age, leaving Horemheb (A general and "Lord of the Land" under Tut) to become king.

What pharaoh ruled after king tut?

Tutankhamun was succeeded by his great uncle Ay who reigned 1323-19BCE

Who is King Tutankhamun's uncle?

King Tut's Uncle was named Ay. He was a high minister and ruled for Tutankhamun while Tut was too young. He soon wanted to claim the throne for himself as Tut wanted to rule alone and grew strongly jealous of him.

What was the shortened name of the pharaoh who succeeded amenhotep?


What year did king tut?

Tut ascended the Throne in 1333 B.C. !

Who became king after the death of King Tutankhamun?

King Tutankhamun was succeeded by the Pharaoh Ay.Ay was not of royal birth; rather, he was Tutankhamun's Vizier, the foremost assistant to the Pharaoh. When Tutankhamun died he left no heir, creating some uncertainty over who should take his seat. Ay took advantage of the confusion by marrying Tutankhamun's widow and claiming the throne.However, Ay was already elderly when he ascended to the throne. He died after only four years of rule.

How did others take advantage of the fact that King Tutankhamun was only 9 years old when he became a ruler?

Ii had to write an essay on this so this is what I came up with: King Tut's chief advisor was Ay. We believe today that Ay used Tut. Some even believe that he killed him. Ay, the advisor of King Tut has been put forward as a prime suspect in the possible murder of King Tut. He became Pharaoh immediately after the death of King Tut. Could this be the works of Ay? Since Tut was so young at the time that he first ruled, Ay most likely had molded King Tutankhamen's view of politics. Ay also most likely made important decisions for Tutankhamen. Ay was possibly a relative of Tut and was trusted. This gave a lot of opportunities to Ay to take advantage of Tut's age and position.

What can i learn from the Pharaoh Ay?

pharaoh Ay was the ruler of Egypt after king tut was murdered

What is the shortend name of the pharaoh who succeeded Amenhotep?


What shorten name of the pharaoh who succeeded Amenhotep IV?

king tut or just tut on the paper

who became king after tutankhamun?

Ay, who is thought to have married Tut's widow.

Who succeeded to tuts throne?