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One of the guys she really liked in the story while she was with peter van daan she always thought of peter wessel

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Q: Who is Peter Wessel in the Diary of Anne Frank?
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Who is Peters mother in diary of Anne Frank?

Peter's mother in "The Diary of Anne Frank" is Petronella Van Daan.

Did Anne Frank love Peter Wesel?

Anne Frank did develop feelings for Peter van Pels during their time in hiding, as mentioned in her diary. It is believed that she had a crush on him, although the extent of their relationship is not fully known due to Anne's untimely death in the Holocaust.

What was Peter's name in Anne Frank's Diary?

His name was Peter Van Daan.

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The cast of The Diary of Anne Frank of the Dead - 2008 includes: Helen McElwain as Anne Frank Jason Sakowski as Peter

Who was Peter in Anne Frank Diary?

Peter van Daan was a boy who shared the annex with Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust. He and Anne developed a close relationship during their time in hiding, providing each other with companionship and support. Peter's character is deeply explored in Anne's diary, revealing his shy and introspective nature.

Who did Anne Frank had a crush on?

Anne Frank before hidding was in love with Peter Wessel ho she dated in the summer before her 6th form year at lower school, but after going into hiding, she fell for Peter Van Pels she was 14 and he was 17 when they shared their first kiss.

What are the characters names in the play the diary of Anne Frank?

Peter, Mr. and Mrs Van Daan , Miep ,Mr . and Mrs. Frank, Anne Frank.

What is peters last name in anne frank?

Peter's last name in Anne Frank's diary is van Daan. He is referred to as Peter van Daan throughout the diary.

What was Peter's name for Anne in Anne Frank's Diary?

Mrs. Quack Quack, but it wasn't Peter that gave her that Nickname, it was actually Anne's teacher, Peter just sort of caught on:)

What is the title of Anne Franks Diary?

The title of Anne Frank's diary is "The Diary of a Young Girl." It follows the experiences of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis during World War II.

What does anne mean when she says peter is poor in the diary of anne frank?

When Anne says Peter is poor in "The Diary of Anne Frank," she means that he lacks self-confidence, has low self-esteem, and struggles with expressing his thoughts and feelings. She perceives him as being emotionally impoverished and in need of support and understanding.