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Right now Israel is not in any active war. Although two of it's close neighbors - Lebanon and Syria never reached peace or normalized relations ever with Israel you could say Israel is still at war with them de jure. But the truth is that since the 80's First Lebanon War, there were no significant border incidents between Israel and Syria that could even be a hint of an aggressive action.

As for Lebanon - the war in 2006 - The Second Lebanon War was not fought between the governments of the two countries. The Lebanese government actually was very quiet about the hot action going on in their country because that was Israel fought against Hezbollah - a terrorist, militant organisation influenced by Iran and frankly that terrorist organisation holds the Lebanese government by the junk and it can take it down any time. That's why it seems that this war was with "Lebanon" but actually the Lebanese government wasn't really involved so to say the fighting was Israeli-Lebanese is not very accurate.

Israel also has a de jure war with the Palestinian Militant Group Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip. This has flared up into open conflict in the winter of 2008-2009 and the autumn of 2012.

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13y ago

The fighting in Israel is between the Jewish Israelis on one side, and on the other, Sunni Muslim Palestinians led by two competing leaders: the PLO (or PA) in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza.

Hamas and the PLO often fight against each other as well.

To the north of Israel (in southern Lebanon) there is the Shia Muslim group Hezbollah, whom illegally entered Lebanon, ethnically cleansed the southern Lebanese territory of its Christian Maronite (and other) minorities, assassinated its prime minister (Rafik Hariri in 2005) and is close to taking full control of that country. It is a known secret that Hezbollah is part of Iran's IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp).

All the above organisations have stated it is their intent to destroy Israel and have been designated terrorist organisations by the US State Dept. and EU. All have used their civilian populations as human shields in various battles with Israel (a war crime). With the countries that back these terrorist groups at the UN, it is only Israel (so far) that has been criticised for its military operations. The countries that back these terrorist groups, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Kuwait, Qatar, etc., are also members of OPEC.

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10y ago

Since there are a number of different Arab-Israeli Wars (wars between Israel and its neighbors) and there are different belligerents in each of them. The Arab countries most often involved have been Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. See the Table Below for more information.

Note: Every Arab-Israeli War involves Israel, although in the Persian Gulf War of 1991 Israel did not retaliate when attacked.

Note 2: Palestine can refer to Palestinian Militias, the PLO/Hamas, and the Palestinian Authority.

This list is not exhaustive.

Years of War Israeli Name Arab Name Egypt Iraq Jordan Lebanon Palestine Saudi Arabia Syria USSR 1947-1949 War of Independence An-Nakba (Catastrophe) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO 1956 Suez Crisis / Sinai Campaign Tripartite War of Aggression YES NO NO NO YES NO NO NO 1967 Six-Day War Six-Day War / An-Naksa (Setback) YES YES YES NO NO NO YES NO 1967-1970 War of Attrition War of Attrition YES NO YES NO YES NO YES YES 1973 Yom Kippur War Ramadan War / October War YES YES YES NO NO NO YES NO 1980-1982 Lebanon War Lebanese Civil War NO NO NO YES YES NO YES NO 1991 Persian Gulf War Persian Gulf War YES (but against Iraq) YES NO NO NO YES (but against Iraq) YES (but against Iraq) DNE 2006 War on Hezbollah Israeli Invasion of Lebanon NO NO NO YES NO NO YES DNE 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead Invasion of Gaza NO NO NO NO YES (Gaza Only) NO NO DNE 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense Operation Blue Sky NO NO NO NO YES (Gaza Only) NO NO DNE

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13y ago

Not at the moment, but it is constantly threatened by its neighbors.


Yes Israel is at war, also the whole world is at war between Muslims and everyone else

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11y ago

You may need to be more specific. There are several.

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11y ago

Israel is currently at peace with Egypt and Jordan and maintains armistices with almost every major party that wishes it ill, so there is no current fighting.

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11y ago

Israel is not currently at war (de facto).

It maintains a de jure conflict with Hamas-controlled Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and all Arab States with which it does not share a border.

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12y ago

Nobody, at the moment

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Q: Who is Iran at war with?
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