"Flamma" is the Latin word for fire or flame. There is no historical character of note with that nickname or name. However it could possibly be a character in a novel or game.
Flamma was a secutor
Flamma was the name of a gladiator who won his freedom four times, but refused to take it and chose to remain a gladiator.
In the middle of the 3rd Century BCE - he was a Roman commander in the First Punic War against Carthage.
Your question can be answered in two ways depending upon what you mean by common gladiator names. Gladiators were highly trained fighters and fought in certain styles which can be considered names, such as Thrax, Murmillo, Secutor, Provator, etc. They also had personal names such as Flamma, Spartacus, Priscus, Verus, Triumphus, Spiculus, etc. However many of these personal names were also "stage names" and not the men's given names, as each fighter wanted to be recognized and the best way to gain fame was to have a unique fighting name.
Flamma was a secutor
The well know warrior Flamma was actually born in 1896
Lucio Flamma goes by Lucio Flama.
Flamma Flamma is one flame; flames = flammae
Luca Flamma's birth name is Nicolo Quattrociocchi.
Lucius Volumnius Flamma Violens was born in -340.
Lucius Volumnius Flamma Violens died in -273.
Luca Flamma was born on November 14, 1896, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
Luca Flamma was born on November 14, 1896, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
Flamma was the name of a gladiator who won his freedom four times, but refused to take it and chose to remain a gladiator.
Luca Flamma died on July 4, 1967, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy of circulatory failure.
divina flamma