

Who is Flamma?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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12y ago

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"Flamma" is the Latin word for fire or flame. There is no historical character of note with that nickname or name. However it could possibly be a character in a novel or game.

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Flamma Flamma is one flame; flames = flammae

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When was flamma born?

Luca Flamma was born on November 14, 1896, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy.

When was Luca Flamma born?

Luca Flamma was born on November 14, 1896, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy.

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Flamma was the name of a gladiator who won his freedom four times, but refused to take it and chose to remain a gladiator.

When did Luca Flamma die?

Luca Flamma died on July 4, 1967, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy of circulatory failure.

Divine flames in Latin?

divina flamma