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Diocletian tried price controls and dividing the empire in an effort to reform but these measures only worked for a brief time.

Diocletian at first created the diarchy (rule by two) by appointing Maximian as co-emperor, but as a junior, to take care of the western regions while he took charge of the eastern regions. Then he created the tetrarchy (rule by four). Maximian was promoted to senior (augustus) and two juniors (caesars) were appointed. Constantius Florus helped Maximian in the west by taking care of Gallia (Gaul), Britannia (Britain) and Hispania (Spain). Galerius helped Diocletian in the east by taking care of the Illyrian provinces (Austria + the Balkans except the lower Danube-Thrace). The empire had four capitals, Nicodemia (Izmit, Turkey), Mediolanum (Milan), Augusta Trevorum (Trier, Germany) and Sirmium (near Belgrade) which were the seats of, respectively, Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius, and Galerius.

Diocletian also created an autocracy by relying on a greatly expanded bureaucracy under his control that took over most state functions. He doubled the number of provinces (from 50 to almost 100) and grouped them into 12 dioceses headed by a vicarius, an official appointed by him. This weakened the governors who now administered much smaller provinces and were deprived of their judicial and military functions which were taken over by the vicarii and the duces (exclusively military officers) respectively.

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Q: Who is Diocletian and what types of reform did he try to get the empire back on its feet?
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Was a Roman emperor who ordered prices and wages frozen?

The emperor Diocletian issued the Edict of Maximum Prices in 310. The price cap on most goods and services was based on the assumption that inflation was caused by the greed of merchants. This measure was short lived. The price levels were empire-wide and ignored regional variations in costs. They were poorly enforced and they were resisted. Goods were sold in the back market. Diocletian had to abandon this measure.

What was the result of the new capital being built in the Eastern Roman empire?

As the western half of the Roman empire with Rome as its capital finally collapsed, the wisdom of the Roman emperor Diocletian can be seen as a brilliant one with a good deal of foresight. Diocletian became emperor of the entire Roman empire in 284 AD/CE. He came from a humble heritage, joined the army and worked his way to the upper ranks of the legions and rose to the rank of general. He served under the emperor Numerian. When Numerian was killed, Diocletian murdered the assassins of his leader. Based on his loyalty to the former emperor and his solid reputation, the legions proclaimed him Emperor. With his absolute power he did what earlier Roman emperors might view with horror. Even as far back as the civil war between Octavian and Mark Antony, supporters of Octavian feared that Antony and Cleopatra planned on building their own empire in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea with Alexandria as its capital. This new empire would of course mean the conquest of Roman provinces in the east. The idea of a split empire was never an option almost 300 years before Diocletian. Diocletian believed that world affairs had reached a point where the empire could not be ruled from only Rome. Diocletian therefore divided the empire in two pieces. In fact he abandoned Rome as a capital. Diocletian sought a new city for his capital. He found one in Nicomedia. The city was near the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium. In Rome the Senate still met, however Rome had decayed and was almost unrecognisable from its days of glory. This decision which would have far reaching affects for the empire was primarily a military decision. To adequately defend Europe and Asia Diocletian believed that Rome's location, once ideal, was too far south from the Alps to do this. He had the best view on this from his generalship in the military. he appointed his trusted friend & general Maximian to do his best to defend the West from Milan, a city northeast of Rome. The empire managed to continue as Diocletian passed laws to make reforms and stop the bleeding. Time passed and the slow decline continued upon the resignation of Diocletian. After a series of civil wars, Constantine emerged as the new emperor in 313 AD/CE. Constantine enlarged the old Greek city of Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople. This move immediately placed the new capital in a strategic position, easy to defend and for all practically made the east-west division of the empire permanent. The position of the new capital yielded other benefits. It was located on a peninsula in the Bosphorus where Europe meets Asia Minor and the Black Sea joins the Mediterranean Sea. Constantinople was on the age old trade routes between East and West. The fortified city was impregnable. And as Rome fell in the West, the eastern empire remained in tact. It became known as the Byzantine Empire and lasted until 1453 when the Ottoman Turks siezed it. The empire was hellenistic, not made in the Roman mold but in the Greek mode.

Why did the diocletian divide the roman epire in half?

Diocletian divided Rome because he thought it was too big and it would take months to receive a message and send one back so he divided it into western Rome and eastern Rome after time passed eastern Rome became better because all the money that China was sending eastern Rome received it. Also as time passed western Rome got invaded by the barbarians and the sabotaged all of western Rome. Many people say that Rome fell but other people consider it as it being adapted :)

What reasons did humanists give for wanting to reform society?

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What is Relief-Recovery-Reform?

Its when FDR tried to relieve the economy of the depression so that there will be more recovery. He tried to reform things to get the economy back on track.

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Was a Roman emperor who ordered prices and wages frozen?

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As the western half of the Roman empire with Rome as its capital finally collapsed, the wisdom of the Roman emperor Diocletian can be seen as a brilliant one with a good deal of foresight. Diocletian became emperor of the entire Roman empire in 284 AD/CE. He came from a humble heritage, joined the army and worked his way to the upper ranks of the legions and rose to the rank of general. He served under the emperor Numerian. When Numerian was killed, Diocletian murdered the assassins of his leader. Based on his loyalty to the former emperor and his solid reputation, the legions proclaimed him Emperor. With his absolute power he did what earlier Roman emperors might view with horror. Even as far back as the civil war between Octavian and Mark Antony, supporters of Octavian feared that Antony and Cleopatra planned on building their own empire in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea with Alexandria as its capital. This new empire would of course mean the conquest of Roman provinces in the east. The idea of a split empire was never an option almost 300 years before Diocletian. Diocletian believed that world affairs had reached a point where the empire could not be ruled from only Rome. Diocletian therefore divided the empire in two pieces. In fact he abandoned Rome as a capital. Diocletian sought a new city for his capital. He found one in Nicomedia. The city was near the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium. In Rome the Senate still met, however Rome had decayed and was almost unrecognisable from its days of glory. This decision which would have far reaching affects for the empire was primarily a military decision. To adequately defend Europe and Asia Diocletian believed that Rome's location, once ideal, was too far south from the Alps to do this. He had the best view on this from his generalship in the military. he appointed his trusted friend & general Maximian to do his best to defend the West from Milan, a city northeast of Rome. The empire managed to continue as Diocletian passed laws to make reforms and stop the bleeding. Time passed and the slow decline continued upon the resignation of Diocletian. After a series of civil wars, Constantine emerged as the new emperor in 313 AD/CE. Constantine enlarged the old Greek city of Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople. This move immediately placed the new capital in a strategic position, easy to defend and for all practically made the east-west division of the empire permanent. The position of the new capital yielded other benefits. It was located on a peninsula in the Bosphorus where Europe meets Asia Minor and the Black Sea joins the Mediterranean Sea. Constantinople was on the age old trade routes between East and West. The fortified city was impregnable. And as Rome fell in the West, the eastern empire remained in tact. It became known as the Byzantine Empire and lasted until 1453 when the Ottoman Turks siezed it. The empire was hellenistic, not made in the Roman mold but in the Greek mode.

What did Diocletian try to improve the way the empire was ruled?

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Why did the diocletian divide the roman epire in half?

Diocletian divided Rome because he thought it was too big and it would take months to receive a message and send one back so he divided it into western Rome and eastern Rome after time passed eastern Rome became better because all the money that China was sending eastern Rome received it. Also as time passed western Rome got invaded by the barbarians and the sabotaged all of western Rome. Many people say that Rome fell but other people consider it as it being adapted :)

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