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Jacqueline Van Maarsen and her diary which she named Kitty

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Q: Who is Anne Frank's best friend at the Jewish secondary-school?
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What religion is anne franks family?


Were all Anne Franks family Jewish?

Yes, Anne Frank's family was Jewish. Anne Frank and her family were targeted and persecuted by the Nazis during World War II because of their Jewish heritage.

Who was Anne franks best childhood friend?

Hanneli Goslar

What was Anne franks religion?

The Frank family was Jewish. Edith and Margot Frank actively pursued participation in the Jewish faith, but Otto and Anne Frank were more Humanists than Jews.

Who is Anne's best friend in the Jewish secondary school?

Anne Frank's best friend in the Jewish secondary school was a girl named Lies Goosens.

Anne Frank's interesting Information?

WHAT WAS ANNE FRANKS BEST FRIEND????? -you mean who, and one that she was separated from was her friend Lies, also known as Hanneli.

What were anne franks beleifs?

Anne was a Humanist, much like her father, Otto. She believed in a higher power, but not in a traditional Jewish sense.

Who is lies goosens?

She was Anne Franks friend, and they both got put into a concentration camp...

What is Anne Franks religion about?

She was Jewish, which led to her imprisonment and eventual death in one of the Nazi Concentration camps.

What was anne franks friends?

Anne's best friend was lies who was in the same concentration camp as Anne. lies' mum and dad died her and her sister survived the war

Anne Franks goals?

Anne franks goals were to be an author or a famous journalist

How did Anne Franks diary get to her father?

Anne Frank's diary was left behind in the secret annex where her family hid during World War II. After the war, Miep Gies, a friend of the Franks who helped hide them, found the diary and gave it to Anne's father, Otto Frank, the only member of the family who survived the Holocaust.