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The catapult was first used by the army of the Roman Empire. History does not record the name of the Roman engineer who first invented it.

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Q: Who invented the first catapult?
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What history age was the catapult invented?

The catapult was invented in the Middle Age.

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Who invented the catapult was it Johannes Gutenberg?

Gutenberg invented the printing press not the catapult

Who first invented a catapult as a siege weapon?

The Roman Army about 200 BC.

When was the first catapult invented?

The first catapult was invented in ancient Greece around 399 BC by Dionysius the Elder of Syracuse. It was called the "springald" and was a weapon of war used to hurl projectiles at enemy troops or fortifications.

Who invented the torsion catapult?

The torsion catapult was invented by the ancient Greek engineer named Dionysius of Byzantium. He designed this type of catapult in the 3rd century BC, which utilized twisted ropes to store and release energy for launching projectiles.

When was the first ballista catapult invented?

The first ballista catapult is believed to have been invented in ancient Greece around 400 BC. It was a large crossbow-like weapon used for launching projectiles such as stones or arrows.

When did Archimedes invent the catapult?

He didn't invent the catapult it was dionysius and he invented it in 399 B.C.

Why is a catapult called a catapult?

The word catapult came from ancient greece. It was also invented there. It means from two seperate words kata pultos

Who invented the catapult?

Most people think it was the Greeks, but actually it was centuries before them that the catapult and the rapid fire arrow machines were invented by King Uzziah.