

Who invented pot stickers?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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year 15000B.C Nobody knows the true origin on how these delicious cakes were invented ,but legend has it that they were invented when an intruder ventured into a small African village .After capturing him, the natives skinned him alive ,and threw him into a pit .Not having much time to live ,he cursed the village .Angry at him for doing so ,the elder threw a torch at him , and burnt him alive .After the fire went out the villagers couldn't believe their eyes .In the very place were the man was lay a pile of pot stickers .Anyone who came close to them ,however was incinerated by flames from heaven .The village elders son realized it was due to his fathers mistake .That night ,he captured his father , and after having all the villagers together , skinned him alive ,and chanted " zavdu zutu bu dad biv .At this flames arose from the pit and incinerated the elder .Screaming he tumbled into the pit and was gone forever .It was only then that pot stickers became docile,and anyone could approach them.That night the villagers gathered and celebrated a huge feast ,vowing that never again should a traveler be penalized for innocently walking through the jungle.

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Q: Who invented pot stickers?
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You put water in the bottom of a pot, and a steamer dish on the top of the pot. Set the pot stickers in the steamer, place on a lid, and bring the water to a boil. After several minutes of steaming, they will be done.

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How do you make potstickers?

To make homemade pot stickers, make little pocket-shaped flour circles. Then, put raw meat and vegetables of your choice into the flour circles. Fold the flour circles into little pockets. Press the ends of the flour pockets with the teeth of a small fork. Next, get a medium or large-sized pan with a top that fits it. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan, and wait until this gets hot. When the oil starts to bubble up, put in the flour pockets, or now, they are called pot stickers. Flip them occasionally. Then, pour one cup of water into the pan. When the pot stickers become a golden brown in areas, take them out. Dry some of the oil off of the pot stickers. The meat and vegetables should be cooked thoroughly now. You can add a dipping sauce, like soy sauce, or any of you choice to make these pot stickers even more delicious! If you have store-bought pot stickers, just follow the directions that it came with. I hope this recipe helps you cook your pot stickers. :)

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potato, porridge, poutine, polenta, pork, poblemo peppers, pot stickers, pot roast, pomegranate

Who invented stickers?

R. Stanton Avery, who invented the first self-adhesive label in 1935.

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When was pot au feu invented?

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Who invented your mum in a pot?

A genius :)

Who was the first to invent stickers?

No, I am sure that Sir Roland Hill invented stickers in 1839, but that is a good guess lol!!

Why stickers were invented?

so they could use it for tape or to stick it on something on it and it could be decorate stuff