sausage mahoney
it was never invented it is just natural just like having to pee
The Greeks It’s often assumed that sausages were invented by Sumerians, in what is Iraq today, around 3000BC. Chinese sausage, which consisted of goat and lamb meat, was first mentioned in 589BC. The ancient Greek poet Homer mentioned a kind of blood sausage in the Odyssey (book 20, verse 25), and Epicharmus (c.550-460BC), and wrote a comedy titled The Sausage. Evidence suggests that sausages were already popular among both the ancient Greeks and Romans and, most likely, with the non-literate tribes occupying the larger part of Europe.
In 1905 you will find that the Popsicle was invented. Originally named Epsicle, a young eleven year old named Frank Epperson. He accidentally left his fruit flavored soda with a stir stick in it outside where it froze.
Sausage does not grow. It is made.
It is bacon that has been cooked, smoked, or glazed with maple syrup.
sausage mahoney
Yes I do, particularly with maple flavored hot sauce.
Conor Poulter..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................And the dragon sausage
You cannot. Maple syrup can only be made by concentrating maple sap. You can make artificial maple-flavored TABLE syrup using these ingredients.
I think that maple syrup was invented in Canada
In the Tacoma, Washington area you can purchased maple flavored Malt-o-meal cereal at Walmart. Other local supermarkets may also have this item.
William Wrigley Jr. invented flavored gum. For example, Hubba Bubba, Juicyfruit, and 5 React Gum.
Some delicious beef breakfast sausage recipes to try include maple-glazed beef sausage patties, spicy beef sausage and egg muffins, and beef sausage breakfast burritos.
May 13,2012