

Who invented line art?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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11y ago

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lines are just used to write there is no inventor..........

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Q: Who invented line art?
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A contour line in art is an outline of a subject with no shading.

Where is it possible to view line art online?

LICA will convert photos to line art and would be one place to view line art. You could look at something like Park West or another art gallery to see if any of their artists do line art.

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What is the meaning of the word line in art?

The word line in art means a line is a basic element of art, referring to a continuous mark, made on a surface, by a moving point.

Is line art the same as pencil art?

not neccessarily, because you can create line art with different medias such as ink. Line art, i think is the usage of lines to create a hidden image. Pencil art is, of course, usage of the glorious pencil.

What is the difference between line art and continuous tone?

line art is like clip art. it is art created only with lines. continuous tone art is art that uses a tonal range such as a photograph.