

Who invented aqueducts?

Updated: 9/25/2022
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9y ago

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Nobody is sure of who first invented the aqueducts, but as the first one began its construction in 312 B.C., it might have been Appius Claudius Caecus, because he was the one who ruled Rome at that time, but it could have been also a pauper that gave the idea or inspiration to start building aqueducts.

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When were aqueducts invented?

19 b.C.

Who invented Roman aqueducts?

Romans discovered it- they used the aqueducts to provide drinkable water to serve its large cities and industrial sites.

Why was the aqueduct invented?

Rome was a big empire so the government made aqueducts to transfer water for the people

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The Romans may not have been the first to think of using an aqueduct, but they were the first people to create in and use it in their architecture.

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Probably the Romans. Not sure about water towers but they built some serious aqueducts to bring water to Rome.

Are aqueducts in rome or Greece?

Most ancient civilisations built aqueducts because of the importance of water. There were aqueducts both in Greece and Rome. The Roman aqueducts are more famous.

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How did the Romans preserve building materials when building aqueducts?

The Romans were great engineers and invented cement. The cement that they used was water proof so they could use it underwater and in fountains or aqueducts. The engineering of the aqueducts included cisterns and tunnels through and in mountains or rock. Many of these still exist. some of the aqueducts outside Rome are still standing and the aqueducts of Merida and Segovia are well preserved. One of the aqueducts of Rome, the Aqua Virgo is still working. Much of the Roman building materials have lasted through time but much has been destroyed by the ravages of war, theft the use of materials for rebuilding after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Where are aqueducts used?

Aqueducts were used back in Ancient Rome

What are some alternatives to aqueducts?

Wells and cisterns are alternatives to aqueducts.

What were aqueducts for?

Aqueducts brought fresh water to Roman city

What did the ancient romans build to bring water to their cities?

The ancient Romans used aqueducts to bring water to their cities.