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Q: Who invented a new way to print books?
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Who is Johann who invented a new way to print books?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing a new way to print books in the 15th century. His invention of the movable-type printing press revolutionized the way information and knowledge were disseminated, laying the foundation for the spread of mass communication and literacy.

Who invented a new way of printing books?

Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1450's and the first book to ever be printed was a Latin language bible printed in Mainz, Germany.

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he invented a way to save limbs and introduced a new way of stitching

Can print media replace print media?

I think that web media is slowly replacing print media. I say that as a print media hold-out. While newspaper is certainly on the way out, I was still skeptical about the prospect that books and magazines would be replaced. Now with the advent of reasonable working ebook readers like the Kindle and Nook, books and magazines are going to see their print versions take a hit. So the answer to your question is: Yes - print will eventually be replaced by web and digital media.

Can web media replace print media?

I think that web media is slowly replacing print media. I say that as a print media hold-out. While newspaper is certainly on the way out, I was still skeptical about the prospect that books and magazines would be replaced. Now with the advent of reasonable working ebook readers like the Kindle and Nook, books and magazines are going to see their print versions take a hit. So the answer to your question is: Yes - print will eventually be replaced by web and digital media.

What were the impact of print on society?

The impact of print, or the printing press, invented in Germany by a man named Gutenberg in 1440 was that for the first time information could be copied quickly and distributed to the masses. before the printing press all books had to be copied by hand which was time consuming and there were very few people who had the skills to do this. because so few books were made they were expensive and only the wealthy could afford them. the printing press made books and printed materials more available to the masses and quickly became the best way to swiftly spread ideas and information.

Are they vampires out there?

NO WAY! You have been reading way too many Twilight/New Moon books.

What did joesph lister invent?

invented a way to save limbs and introduced a new way to stich

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The car was invented because Henry Ford thought that people need a new way of transportation.

WHERE was the first shoe invented?

shoe were invented way back then in the B.C but in the 19 century it was upgraded to a new fashion look

When did Gutenberg invent paper?

Johannes Gutenberg did not invent paper. He is known for inventing the printing press with movable type in the 15th century, which revolutionized the way books were produced. Paper was invented in China around the 2nd century BCE, long before Gutenberg's time.

Who invented a new way to check water pollution?

israel scientist............i think,............/!