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Sir syed ahmed khan

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Q: Who introduced the two nations theory in sub continent Allama Iqbal or Sir Syed Ahmed Khan?
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What are the 4 theories of the origin of nations?

The four theories of the origin of nations are social contract theory, evolutionary theory, divine right theory, and force theory. Social contract theory suggests that nations arise from a voluntary agreement among individuals, evolutionary theory posits that nations naturally evolve over time, divine right theory asserts that nations are established by a higher power, and force theory argues that nations are created through the use of power and coercion.

What is the name of the theory that led to the theory of plate tectonics?

The theory that led to the theory of plate tectonics is called continental drift. Proposed by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century, continental drift suggested that continents were once joined together and have since drifted apart to their current positions on Earth's surface.

Who introduced the evolution theory?

Darwin introduced the modern theory of evolution by natural selection, but it was also introduced by Lamark and other earlier biologists but Darwin was first to theorize about natural selection as the mechanism.

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What does the theory of continental explain?

the movement of the continent i :-)

What theory of continental placement was being discussed during the time Wegener introduced his Pangea theory?

The Theory being discussed was "The Conrtaction Theory".

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Which theory states that the global economic system is controlled by a few wealthy nations resulting in an unequal relationship between nations?

World Systems Theory

What is name of the theory for the movement of continent?

Plate Tectonics

Is there another theory that may explain the positions of the continent today?

yes! it is the continental drift theory.

Whose theory stated that a nations power is measured by its gold reserves?

Economic Theory