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The Congress of Vienna.

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Q: Who intended to fix changes caused by French Revolution and Napoleon?
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Who intended to fix changes caused by the French Revolution and Napoleon?

The Congress of Vienna.

Did Napoleon represent the beginning or the end of the French Revolution?

Napoleon marks the end of the French Revolution.

Did napoleon start the french revolution?

No, Napolean did not start the French Revolution, he came after.

Was Napoleon a ruler in the French Revolution?


Why is napoleon significant with the french revolution?

I believe he was the leader of The French Army during the French Revolution.

Who was the King of France after the French Revolution?

In the immediate aftermath of the French Revolution Napoleon became the First Consul and then the Emperor of the French. After his exile King Louis XVIII became the King.

Who was intended to fix changes caused by the french revolution and napoleon?

There was no one particular person who was intended to 'fix' the changes made by the Revolution and Napoleon's rule. Many changes were simply laid down in Laws, passed by the so-called Directorate Government of the Republic and later by the Government's ministers under Napoleon.Napoleon himself was however the driving force behind many important innovations such as the Code Napoleon, the Civic Law book that would influence civic law all over Europe for at least the next 100 years. In the field of foreign policy, his 'fixer' was Count Talleyrand.

What is the conclusion of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution ends with Napoleon's coup against the Directory.

Who had power in France from the French Revolution to the end of Napoleon's reign?


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How did the French Revolution affect Napoleon?

He ended it.

How did Napoleon impact the French Revolution?

he didn't