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They claimed that when they were both little their father would frequently go on business trips, and one day he brought home a little propeller with a rubber band around it that they could wind up and it would fly around the room. From there on out they loved the concept of flying, although this has never been proven.

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Q: Who inspired the wright brothers to build the airplane?
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How was the first airplane made in 1903?

It was made by the Wright brothers'. it cost them $15 for them to build it. it weighed 50 pounds and had a wingspan of 17 feet.

When did the Wright brothers invent the first airplane?

1903 The Wrights didn't invent the first airplane. -They built and flew the first powered, controllable aircraft. -Many men had built different aircraft before them, but none were successful at long, controlled flight.

These brothers flew the first airplane?

Wilbur did...alsomore info..--------> A man named Otto Lilienthal inspired the Wright brothers to build their first airplane. He glided on a hill in a big kite-type thing called a hang glider. The brothers really liked this idea and kept thinking about it.When building airplanes, the brothers knew the plane had three requirements to meet. It would need wings to lift it in the air, power to propel it, and a way to control it. The Wrights had the most difficult time figuring out how to control the plane. The plane needed to go up and down, and side to side. Other inventors like Lilienthal and Chanute had previous success with the wings and power. Orville and Wilbur knew that it was very important to be able to control the plane. They knew the pilot needed to keep the plane balanced just like a person riding a bike needed to keep the bike balanced. They thought about how a bird flies and wanted the plane to operate like a flying bird.they had a successful experiment on december 17, 1903 creating an airplane. before the wright brothers, scientists has had numerous attemps to create an airplane and get it to work. these included kites, hot air balloons, air ships, gliders, etc. the first airplane evermade (by the wright brothers) flew only 10 feet off the ground and travled 120 feet and landed 12 seconds after take off.The Wright brothers were the first people to make a motor-powered airplane that could carry one pilot. The brothers flew their first successful plane on December 17, 1903. The airplane could fit one person and that was the pilot. The pilot had to lay down in the airplane. Wilbur flew their longest flight. It was 852 feet and was flown in 59 seconds. the first airplane was made of wood, metal and fabric to strech the wings.

Why did the Wrights invent the first airplane?

They were mechanically inclined anyway, and ran a bicycle factory and were fascinated with flight since childhood when their father gave them a flying model. They could see flight was going to be a big thing and worked hard to get in on it.

What inspired the ancient rulers to build the great wall of China?

it was built to keep invading tribes out

Related questions

How did the wright brother build the airplane?

The Wright Brothers were inspired by how birds fly, they studied them and they observed them. They started to discover aerodynamics and how the birds are able to fly, so they made an airplane that was kind of like a bird.

What material did the wright brothers use to build a airplane?

the wright brothers used ballsuel wood

Why did the Wright brothers build the airplane?

So they can travel.

How did the Wright brothers build the airplane?

they used tool by olay

Who was the engineer who helped the wright brothers build the airplane?

No one they did it themselves.

When did the wright brothers build their plane?

The Wright brothers finished building their first airplane in 1903. On December 17, 1903, the first airplane flight took place.

How many gliders did the wright brothers build before the first true airplane?

They build 4

Did the wright brothers build there airplane in Ohio or kill devil hill?


How many times did the wright brothers try to build an airplane?

24 times

When did the Wright brothers build the first airplane?

The Wright brothers did NOT build the first airplane. -Many others had built an flown airplanes for short distances before them, mostly ending in crashes. The Wrights fame came from building and flying the first practical, powered airplane

How did the Wright brothers build the first airplane?

The Wright brothers did NOT build the first airplane. -Many others had built an flown airplanes for short distances before them, mostly ending in crashes. The Wrights fame came from building and flying the first practical, powered airplane

Who was the first person to make a airpane?

The first people to build an airplane were the Wright Brothers!