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Q: Who had the authority to increase American forces in South Vietnam after the following of golf of Tonkin resolution?
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magnify glass
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Who had the authority to increase American forces in South Vietnam?

the president

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which resolution allowed president johnson to increase us involment in vietnam

Does depth of field needed increase or decrease as one moves to higher magnifications with the microscope?

The depth of field decreases as one moves to higher magnifications with a microscope. This is because higher magnifications result in a narrower focal plane, making it more challenging to keep objects in focus across different depths.

What resolution gave Johnson the power to increase forces in the war?

Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.

Is resolution on a microscope an increase or decrease?

decrease of course!



Why does immersion oil increase resolution and not magnification?

Immersion oil has a refractive index closer to that of glass, reducing light scattering at the glass-air interface. This results in more light entering the objective lens, improving resolution by reducing diffraction. Magnification is determined by the focal length of the objective lens and eyepiece, not the immersion oil.

I'm trying to start up Divine Souls and I keep on getting the following errors Full screen 1024x768 resolution not support And DX9 Renderer Creation Failed What do I do to fix this?

Increase your screen resolution to above 1024x768 and make sure you have installed the drivers for your graphics card correctly.

Can you increase the resolution of a Game Boy Advance when it outputs to a bigger monitor or tv?

There are settings in the menu to adjust output resolution.

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to come to a concluson, to solve a problem.