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Q: Who had power over medieval craftsmen?
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What is the name of the group of master craftsmen from the Middle Ages?

The medieval craftsmen united in guilds.

What was the coat of arms for the craftsmen in medieval times?

Craftsmen were commoners and did nto have Coats of Arms. Those were reserved for the nobles.

Do medieval knights have power over anyone else?

If they have slaves or peasants they have power over them.

Who has power over a medieval craftsman?


Does anyone have power over a medieval lord?

The king

What hardships did medieval craftsmen face?

Your mom will ground him so he will cry and drown in his tears?

Is a medieval merchant the same as a medieval guild?

No, a merchant was an individual who sold things, but a guild was a group of merchants or craftsmen who had certain common interests.

Who has power over the serfs?

no , they didn't they were at the bottom of the medieval pyramid

What term is used to identify the fraternal society of craftsmen or merchants common in the medieval period?


Did the medieval craftsmen make food?

Craftsmen do not make food, they make furniture, tools, jewelry, and various other useful or decorative objects, but not food. Food is prepared by cooks and chefs, from ingredients produced by farmers.

What did the medieval craftsmen eat?

bread, milk, fish, wine

What was a medieval organization of craftsmen called?

A medieval organization of craftsmen was called a guild. Guilds were associations of skilled workers who worked in specific trades or crafts, such as blacksmithing, carpentry, or weaving. They provided a range of functions, including setting standards for quality, training apprentices, and regulating the prices and practices of their respective trades.