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They were responsible for shooting anyone who tried to escape. Beyond that, just about any atrocity you can imagine was allowed. German concentration camp guards and other Nazi's were guilty of torture, vivisection, human experimentation, rape, murder and starving their prisoners. Some of their experiments were performed by what is still a well known aspirin manufacturer as they attempted to discover the effects of other drugs. Personally, I do not allow any products from that company in my home.

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13y ago
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16y ago

The concentration and extermination camps were notguarded by Jews. In the ghettos in Poland, the Jewish Councils were required to police themselves. In practice, the only alternative was to be policed by the SS.

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13y ago

Either standard wrimact(army) solgers, SS(the best of the German army) then in the later years of the war Hitler youth(teenagers) Evechily they locked the gates then rechreted at the very end.

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11y ago

I just so happened to have completed research and editing of a war journal by a World War Two soldier. He happened to be stationed in the town of Dachau, not far from the concentration camp and used Nazi SS POW's

kept at Dachau after the war, to unload and ship supplies to "Displaced Persons."

Dachau Concentration Camp for instance was the first camp to be established by the Nazis. A major facility adjacent to the camp grounds was a center to train Nazi SS guards for concentration camp duties. Although male guards outnumbered females, their were nineteen SS female guards at Dachau.

SS Guards, were known as "Storm Troopers," and were first used as "Protection Squadrons." They were the elite guard of the Nazi party. Made up of local police and civilian authorities, they organized detention camps to incarcerate and detain, political opponents of the Nazi party.

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17y ago

Until August 1934 the Nazi concentration camps were run mainly by the SA. Later only the SS was allowed to run them.

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15y ago

Adolf Hitler was in charge of the whole operation. --- Every major camp had a commandant, who was an SS officer.

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17y ago

Polish gendarmerie, Polish Police, Jewish Police and a variety of German Military.

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13y ago

either standard wrichtmak(army) solders, SS(best of the German army), at the end Hitler youth(teenagers)

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14y ago

The camps were surrounded by barbed wire fences and guarded.

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Q: Who guarded the Warsaw ghetto?
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Related questions

When was Warsaw Ghetto created?

Warsaw Ghetto was created in 1940.

When was Warsaw Ghetto built?

The Warsaw Ghetto was built in November 16, 1940

Where was the Warsaw Ghetto?

In Warsaw, Poland.

What camp did the Warsaw Uprising occur in?

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising didn't actually occur in a camp. It occurred in the Warsaw Ghetto. For more on the Warsaw Ghetto, check out the link below. Also - please don't confuse the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April 1943 with the much bigger Warsaw Uprising of 1944.

What was the largest ghetto during the haulocaust?

Warsaw, it was the largest Jewish ghetto of all.

Why was Warsaw ghetto created?

The Warsaw ghetto was created to make a place to concentrate the Jews of the region.

Is the Warsaw Ghetto still there?

No, every building in the Warsaw was destroyed by the SS in April and May, 1943 when they put down the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

What was the size of the Warsaw ghetto and how many Jews can be putted in at once?

The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto established in Poland. the total of Jews that can be crowded in is about 450,000 Jews. They were crowded into an area of 1.4 square miles that was the Warsaw ghetto.

Where was the Warsaw ghetto located?

See the related link for a site with an interactive map of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Who guarded the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto also known as flops?

The Nazis employed some Jewish people to guard others that were confined in the Warsaw ghetto. The Jewish ghetto police, also called flops, were promised better treatment, and promised freedom. The flops were very brutal in some cases exceeding the brutality of the Nazis themselves.

What happened to the Warsaw Ghetto in January 1945?

The Warsaw Ghetto was destroyed at the end of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in April 1943. The site (or part of it) was later used as a concentration camp, but very little is known about it. By January 1945 the Soviet Army was in Warsaw.

What was the biggest ghetto during the Holocaust?

The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto in Poland. More than 400,000 Jewish people were shoved into 1.3 square miles. It was centered in the Polish capital, located in Nazi occupied Europe.