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1. From September 1939-June 1941 * Parts of western Poland were incorporated into Germany. * Central Poland (the areas round Warsaw, Krakow and Lublin) were turned into a German colony, called the 'Generalgouvernement'. * Eastern Poland was annexed by the Soviet Union. 2. From June 1941 till summer 1944 eastern Poland was administered by the Nazi invaders.

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The German Hans Frank was in charge of the German military administration in occupied Poland from 26 October 1939 - 1945 following the end of the invasion of Poland whereas Władysław Raczkiewicz was the Polish leader of the Polish government in exile from 1939 until his death in 1947 .

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Wladyslaw Sikorski was the Prime Minister of the Polish Government in Exile located in England during WWII.

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Q: Who governed Poland in World War 2?
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After World War 2 Poland became part of the Soviet sphere.

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Poland was the first country to be attacked during World War 2. In fact, the Germany invasion of Poland was what CAUSED World War 2.

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Poland was invaded by Germany.

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Germany started world war 2 when they invaded poland

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invasion of poland

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Adolf Hitler caused World War 2 when Germany invaded Poland. The British and French allies honored the treaty of Versailles with Poland, and World War 2 began.

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world war 2 started in poland 1939. germany made a contract, not invading poland. germany broke it, and thus came war.

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Germany invaded Poland.

Did the Nazis start World War 2?

The Nazis invaded Poland and this was the start of World War 2. Other countries declared war on Germany because of what they did to Poland and because he violated the Treaty of the Versailles.

Was Poland on the German side for World War 2?

Absolutely not. World War 2 started on 1st September 1939 when German troops invaded Poland.