It was actually the son of Benjamin Franklin... According to the 10 things you don't know about: Benjamin Franklin on History Channel
when he flew a kite in a lightning storm.
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin discovered the effects of electricity when he flew his kite during a storm in 1752. While flying his kite lightning struck the kite.
He flew a kite to find out about eletricity.
It was actually the son of Benjamin Franklin... According to the 10 things you don't know about: Benjamin Franklin on History Channel
when he flew a kite in a lightning storm.
Benjamin Franklin
A kite can be any shape.A kite can fly.Benjamin Franklin flew a kite into a lightning storm and got a big shock to prove that electricity was an energy.kites have two lines of symmetryps hope this helps!some one answer this
Ben Franklin flew a kite during a lightning storm and was electrocuted through the wires in the kite.
He flew his kite during a storm and the metal key picked up the electricity from the lightning.
Benjamin Franklin showed that lightning is electricity. He did this through the famous experiment in which he flew a kite in a thunder storm, had a metal key attached to the kite string and observed sparks from the key. With two centuries worth of additional knowledge about electricity and thunder storms, most knowledgable people consider that Franklin was extremely lucky to have survived the experiment.
Benjamin Franklin discovered the effects of electricity when he flew his kite during a storm in 1752. While flying his kite lightning struck the kite.
it toke about 14 min into the kite flew successfully
I flew a kite today
Kite flew up in the so it made really happy.
will git thunder storm