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Well that depends on what you think the holy Grail is. Some believe it is the cup Jesus drank from (which means it was used by Jesus at the Last Supper) and some believe it is the Virgin Mary herself.

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Q: Who first used the holy grail and when?
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What was the holy grail?

According to my knowledge, the holy grail was the cup used in the last meal Jesus had with his apostles.According to some sources,the cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper was known as the holy grail.According to other sources,the holy grail was the cup that was used to catch the blood from the wound inflicted by the centurian Longinus on Jesus as he hung upon the cross.Joseph of Arimathea is said to have arrived in Kinlochard SCOTLAND (FK8 3TW) in the first century A.D He is said to have brought the holy grail with him together with two bottles containing the blod and the sweat of Jesus.The grail was handed down from generation to generation and then became the center of a quest that was central to the Arthurian saga.Galahad eventually finding it.However,the basis of the idea of a quest for some kind of vessel appears to have come from Celtic traditions.It may be connected with the journey to the otherworld to find a magic cauldron.let me correct you,......the holy grail was not the "cup of Christ". it was Mary Magdalene herself....though the legend tell us that the Holy Grail is a chalice - a cup. but the Grail's description as chalice is actually an allegory to hide the true nature of Grail. the legend used it as a metaphor for a woman ! and this woman carried a secret so powerful that if revealed, it could devastate the very foundation of Christianity..! you can see this proof in the painting The Last Supper. the figure to Jesus' immediate right you can see a delicate body with folded hands and flowing red hair is Mary Magdalene herself.

Was the holy grail ever found?

Well, not really. For one, the biggest problem is people who search for the grail don't know what it really is. There are lots o possibilities of what the holy grail might be. So nobody ever recorded finding it. Many orders and groups proclaim they have the holy grail but nothing can be proven. So to answer your question, nobody knows, maybe somebody did, or it could still be hidden.

In the story of Sir Galahad what was his quest?

The search for the Holy Grail.

Did the holy grail have Jesus' blood on it?

Good Question. No. he holy grail was the grail Jesus drank out of during the last supper. He told his apostles, "Drink this; For it is my blood." But it wasn't really blood, it was actually just red wine. So no. **************** Christ also added the words"Do this in remembrance of my blood which was shed for you". What He was telling the brethren was that the future church was to remember him by the symbolic drinking of His blood at a Sacrament to be held each Sabbath day. In todays chuches water or unfermented wine is used.

Related questions

Is the Holy Grail different from all cups vessels dishes or plates?

The Holy Grail is different from real cups, vessels, dishes, and plates, is that the Holy Grail is a work of fiction, first appearing in the 11th and 12th centuries in medieval legends; the other things that you mention are real utensils used by men.

Does The Holy Grail exist?

There are many false interpretations of the Holy Grail. For example as Mary Magdalene and the bloodline of Christ. But the real Holy Grail is a spiritual path which was described in the Arthurian romances. For an up to date scientific appraisal of the Grail story see

Who invented the first shotgun ever made?

it was the holy grail of 1901

What chapter of the bible is the holy grail mentioned?

The term "holy grail" is not mentioned in the Bible.

Does the Bible use the term Holy grail?

The Holy Grail which is most often identified as the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper, is mentioned in the Matthew, Mark and Luke gospels. The term 'Holy Grail' was NOT mentioned in the Bible, but often mentioned with King Arthur legend. Claims introduce the term 'Holy Grail' around the 12th century.

When was montey python and the holy grail released?

Monty Python: The Holy Grail was released in 1974.

How much money did Monty Python and the Holy Grail gross worldwide?

The Production Budget for Monty Python and the Holy Grail was $400,000.

What does the holy grail look like?

The Holy Grail is a myth. Even if there were one, it would have no relevance in Christianity.

Are their any movie related to the holy grail?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Watch out for the attacking bunny.

When was Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail was released on 05/10/1975.

Why did people want the holy grail?

The holy grail was the cup of christ or Jesus which when you drunk from it you became immortal.

How was algebra used historically?

It was used to find the girth of the Holy Grail. Godzilla was the founder of Russia.