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Q: Who fears that the bloody daggers wil reveal who killed the king and replaces them in the room?
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Who is frightened that the bloody daggers will reveal who killed the king in Macbeth?


Who said 'is fearful that the bloody dagger will reveal who killed king' in Macbeth?

Nobody. This is not a line from the play.

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Really it simply depends on the "house" rules being used. I have played both ways where you reveal yourself or where you don't. In most cases, we play where you do not reveal yourself.

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That he and Rackem Powell, I belive it was, killed Maria's killer. Maria was Alex's wife.

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DDT killed ladybugs, which caused the aphid population to rise.

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Physical examination and palpation usually reveal a sausage shaped mass of enfolded bowel in the right upper mid portion of the abdomen. Within a few hours approximately 50% of cases have bloody, mucus filled bowel.