

Who fault on the axis side?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Who fault on the axis side?
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What if the earth's axis was tilted on its side?

In a way, the Earth's axis IS tilted on its side, that's why we have seasons.

What is the difference between a foot-wall fault and the hanging wall fault?

In a foot-wall fault, the fault plane is beneath the rock that is being mined, while in a hanging wall fault, the fault plane is above the rock being mined. The foot-wall fault refers to the foot or bottom of the inclined fault plane, while the hanging wall fault refers to the hanging wall or top of the fault plane.

How do you identify a fault in a cross-selection of rock layers?

The type of rock layers found on one side of the fault will either be repeated higher or lower on the other side of the fault. This proves that one side of a fault has moved (slipped).

Which planets axis is turned side ways and rotates on its axis?

Uranus is the planet with a tilted axis, making it appear to roll on its side as it rotates. This extreme axial tilt of about 98 degrees causes dramatic seasonal changes on the planet.

Were england on the allies or the axis side?

The side of the Allies .

What side of the graph is the x axis on?

horizontal side

Was Chichiill on the allies or the axis side?

He was on the allies side.

What type of fault occurs when compression forces push one side of the fault upward and the other side downward?

A reverse fault occurs when compression forces push one side of the fault upward and the other side downward. This type of fault is associated with convergent plate boundaries where tectonic forces cause crustal rocks to be pushed together.

Was adolf Hitler on allied or axis side in world war 2?

Adolf Hitler was on the axis side during WWII.

What is the two sides name that fought in the holocaust?

The Allies and the Axis. America was on the side of the Allies. Nazi Germany was on the side of the Axis.