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The nation of France capitulates after the Dunkirk evacuation of French and British forces .

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Dunkirk, France.

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Q: Who falls after evacuation of 338000 soldiers?
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Which country in World War 2 falls after evacuation of 338000 soldiers?

France capitulates after the Dunkirk evacuation .

Which country falls after evacuation of 300000 soldiers in ww2?

After the Dunkirk evacuation , France capitulates .

What is Dunkirk France well known for?

The evacuation of 338000, mostly British troops, following the German Army's brilliant tactical advance through Belgium and France in 1940.

What country falls after eacuation of 338000 soldiers?

France fell right after that in June 1940. The evacuation of British and about 60,000 French soldiers, with your equipment, occurred at the port of Dunkirk in Belgium. Over 1000 British ships of all sizes were dispatched to save these soldiers. The great break these soldiers got from being captured, was Goering's insistence to Hitler, to allow his airforce to destroy the Allied forces on the beach. Hitler orders his army and panzers to halt and this gave time for the British to come to their rescue and they used their fighters to fight the Luftwaffe. The Germans lost many aircraft and a golden opportunity to destroy the Allied armies at Dunkirk. 4 years later, most of these men would be part of the invasion of France called D-Day and get their revenge on the Germans!

What was the evacuation of the british and french soldiers from beaches of Dunkirk called?

Operation Dynamo

Where did ANZAC soldiers go after evacuation?

To England for training, then on to France and the Western Front.

338000 divided by 6?


Where were 338000 british and french troops evacuated from?

Dunkirk .

How many ships were in the Dunkirk evacuation?

The evacuation from Dunkirk saved 338,226 soldiers [British & French].

How is 338000 written in word form?

Three hundred thirty-eight thousand (:

What was evacuation aims?

save lives, saves hospital beds for soldiers instead of civilians, stop the public panicing,

How did the evacuation from Gallipoli differ from the initial landing?

The evacuation from Gallipoli was carried out in complete secret, and the Turkish soldiers had absolutely no idea that the ANZACs had departed. This was quite different to the landing, when the Turks knew the ANZACs were coming, and were ready for them.