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Lewis and Clark explored the Louisiana purchase with Sacajawea as their guide

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Zebulon Pike

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Q: Who explored the southern part of the Louisiana purchase?
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What part of the Louisiana Territory were explored by Zebulon Pike?

The southern area near Spain.

Was True or false pikes exploration was important to understand the resources of the northwestern part of the Louisiana purchase?

false he explored southwestern part

What part of the Mississippi river was not included in Louisiana purchase?

The Louisiana Purchase expanded the southern part of the United States. It included many future states, but did not include the upper part of the Mississippi River.

Was Wyoming a part of the Louisiana Purchase?

Most of Wyoming was part of the Louisiana Purchase

What part of the US did Lewis and Clark explored?

Lewis and Clark explored the Louisiana Territory.

Was arkansas part of the Louisiana purchase?

Yes, it was part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase.

Who were the two people at the request of president Jefferson explored the northern part of the Louisiana purchase in 1804 1806?

Lewis & Clark were the two people at the request of president Jefferson

Who explored the northwest of the Louisiana territory?

The "Discovery Corps", which was led by Lewis and Clark.The Corp of Discovery with Lewis and Clark

Did Zebulon Pike travel on the Oregon Trail?

Zebulon Pike didn't travel on the Oregon Trail. He was an American general who explored portions of the southern Louisiana Purchase, as well as part of the American Southwest. Although he reached mountain that today bears his name (pike's Peak), he never successfully reached the top.

Which state was not part of the Louisiana purchase?


What does the Louisiana purchase have to do with Louisiana?

He was Secretary of State at the time. He was in favor of making the purchase, but I do not think he had any part in the negotiations.

What large body of salt water borders a part of the Louisiana purchase?

The Gulf of Mexico borders a part of the Louisiana Purchase.