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Q: Who established the discrimination between the two racial groups of American?
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Two different groups in American Society who have faced discrimination?

Many groups in American society have faced discrimination including: African-Americans (slavery, segregation) women (lack of vote, inequitable pay)

What is the difference between oppression and discrimination?

Oppression is using power in an unfair way. Discrimination is distinguishing between people based on stereotypes of the groups that they belong to.

Does Boston medical group treat gay people?

All medical groups that are members of the American Medical Association will treat gay people. If you have any descrimination, you can file a complaint.All medical groups that are members of the American Medical Association will treat gay people. If you have any discrimination, you can file a complaint.

How can we prevent discrimination?

To prevent discrimination, it is important to educate individuals about the harmful effects of discrimination, promote diversity and inclusion in all areas of society, enforce anti-discrimination laws, and encourage open dialogue and understanding between different groups. It is also crucial to address systemic inequalities that perpetuate discrimination.

What is a suspect class?

In American jurisprudence, a suspect classification is any classification of groups meeting a series of criteria suggesting they are likely the subject of discrimination.

What groups experience discrimination?

how do people with a learning diffuculty experience discrimination through a fuctionalist theory?

What groups faced discrimination in the west?

The blacks mainly...

What are the differences between ageism and racism?

The differences between ageism and racism are that ageism refers to discrimination pertaining to age groups (usually senior citizens) and racism refers to discrimination and as well xenophobia due to ethnic background differences. Both stem from ignorance and fear.

What are some similarities between prejudice and discrimination?

Prejudice and discrimination both involve biased attitudes or beliefs towards individuals or groups based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, or religion. They can lead to negative actions or behaviors towards those individuals or groups, which can result in harmful effects on their well-being and opportunities. Both prejudice and discrimination can perpetuate inequalities and perpetuate stereotypes and stigmatization.

What was a result of the growth and development of large American cities?

Problems between cultural groups (apex)

What groups battle against racial segregation and discrimination?


What is the dangers of multiculture society?

racism, discrimination, minority groups.