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Giuseppe Mazzini

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Q: Who established a secret society in the 1830 called young Italy that was devoted to unifying the Italian states?
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Who established a secret society in the 1830s called Young Italy that was devoted to unifying the Italian states?

It was Giuseppe Mazzini in 1831.

Who established a secret society in the 1830s called young Italy that was devoted unifying the Italian states?

It was Giuseppe Mazzini in 1831.

A secret society was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini for the purpose of .?

I presume you mean "Young Italy" rather than the Carbonari; he joined both.The secret society Young Italy was dedicated to beginning a European-wide revolution on the Italian peninsula.unifiying italy

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Pythagoras was a Greek geometer from Samos. He founded a society of individuals that devoted their lives to mathematics. The Pythagoreans were attributed to him.

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"Society and environment" in English is società e ambiente in Italian.

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Which Greek geometer founded a philosophical society that devoted itself to the study of mathematics?


Which greek geometer founded a piliosophical society that devoted itself to the study of mathematics?

It was Pythagoras

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