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i believe it was the government

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Q: Who enforced English laws in the colonies?
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Why was there little argument between England and the colonies before 1763?

English laws controlling trade were not strictly enforced

What were the English laws controlling trade before 1763?

not stictly enforced

What was salutary negtlect?

It means to deliberately not enforce laws; historically it is used in relation to tax and tariff laws on the British North American Colonies that were not enforced as it was believed that the enforcement of these laws would cause dissent in the colonies.

If For many years Britain did not enforced british laws in the American colonies. what is the name of that policy?

Salutary neglect

What are enforced laws?

Laws that call for punishments or fines are 'enforced' laws.

Who enforced the English laws that the colonists had to obay?

the parliement

How did the English monarchy move to consolidate its authority over the American colonies?

No one in the American colonies had a position in parliament. Also tariffs were enforced as a means of control.

The laws of the colonies were largely based on?

English Common Law

How are laws passed and enforced in Algeria?

Laws are passed and enforced like they are in any part of the world.

Before 1763 the Navigation Laws?

The Navigation Laws were only loosely enforced in the American colonies because they would of had to spend more money on soldiers for protection. however, the America's did not have the money for this.

What was the first basic system of laws in the English colonies?

the Mayflower Compact

Why isn't gun control enforced?

Most laws aren't enforced.