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Q: Who else used the same method as gandhi?
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What can be concluded about Gandhi's method?

Gandhi used the peaceful method of fasting and noncooperation , as well as no violence.

What can be concluded about Gandhi's methods?

Gandhi used the peaceful method of fasting and noncooperation , as well as no violence.

What can be conclude about Gandhi's methods?

Gandhi used the peaceful method of fasting and noncooperation , as well as no violence.

Who used Gandhi's method to produce?

Martin Luther king Jr.

How did Mohandas Gandhi get India indepence?

He got independence by using the method satyagraha which means the non violent method to mass. Gandhi used it as a philosophy of social changes by peaceful means.

How did Gandhi get black people walking down the same road as white people?

ghandi used a method known as non violent protest. He had people protest without lifting an arm in defense.

What was one method India Gandhi used to improve conditions in India?

She invested in India's farming industry! (B)

Did Gandhi see nonviolence as a method to be used by the weak or strong?

Gandhi believed that nonviolence was a powerful method that could be used by both the weak and strong. He saw it as a moral force that had the capacity to transform conflicts and bring about social change, regardless of one's physical strength or status. Gandhi demonstrated through his own actions that nonviolence required great courage and inner strength.

How are martin Luther king and mohandis gandhi the same?

they both used the practice civil disobedience

Mohandas Gandhi used his philosophy of nonviolent noncooperation in an effort to?

Free India from Great Britians rule. This method also was used in the Civil Rights Movement in the 60's.

What was the method of struggle of Nelson Mandela?

at first he used protest methods like boycotts, strikes, civil disobedience, noncooperation and mass rallies then after learning about gandhi he too clung firmly to the principles of non-violence for more than ten years and followed in the foot steps of Mahatma Gandhi

What is string equal method?

The equals method in Strings is used to check if two strings are the same.